News & Insights

Articles, use cases, white papers, news, success stories, news... All the activity and day to day of Data Seekers, collected in a single section. Stay informed!
Your prices under control automatically

Your prices under control automatically

In a market as changing as e-commerce, where competition is unstoppable and consumers are increasingly aware and sensitive to prices, being able to react quickly and configure your new price automatically according to your business rules and Your competition is essential to stand out.

Manual pricing becomes obsolete, and it becomes a complicated task to check each item when your catalog is very dense. In this way, our technology gives way to repricing to adapt to market fluctuations in real time, optimize income and guarantee that products are sold at competitive prices, while you can focus on defining your strategy and measuring results.

Be more competitive and increase your sales

Thanks to our 360º digital intelligence platform , you will be able to not only analyze prices; We also offer a deeper and more complete view of the market with our real-time data and advanced algorithms. By integrating the automatic repricing function, DIP Insights takes your pricing strategy to the next level, since you can monitor your prices and those of your competition in all points of sale of your distribution, including the direct channel, retailer and sellers of the marketplaces. We take you from the general information to the particular SKU.

Through dashboards that cover different use cases, we help you ensure that your pricing policy is respected and we provide you with tools so that you can establish pricing automation strategies according to your own business rules and objectives. , applying our systems the new price automatically for:
  • Notify changes in the market that are relevant to your interests
  • Apply the new price based on your rules and the results of your competition
  • Determine how frequently you want to perform the relevant checks
  • Modify your business rules whenever you want easily and quickly
  • Include and exclude products, brands, categories according to your needs
  • Set limits that respect your profit margin
Discover how our platform created and optimized in-house, DIP Insights , can help you analyze prices, catalog and content . Price intelligence , together with catalog intelligence and the optimization of your digital shelf , will lead you to identify opportunities and correct weaknesses, enhancing your competitiveness.
How to be more competitive in a marketplace through data

How to be more competitive in a marketplace through data

As we tried to explain in this article, being in a marketplace means being part of a digital platform that acts as an intermediary between a group of sellers offering products from the most diverse sectors and the end consumer. It is, therefore, a highly competitive environment in which standing out from the rest can be a difficult task.

Marketplaces, a great source of real time data

Today, their popularity and relevance is such that it is estimated that more than 50% of purchases are made through a marketplace. Visits, searches, queries, browsing habits and transactions result in a high volume of data that, with the help of the relevant analytical tools, can be very useful to identify buying patterns, consumption trends, consumer preferences, etc. that favor the right decision making.

By extracting, ordering and monitoring the evolution of this data over time, these digital business intelligence platforms are crucial to create and offer a hyper-personalized shopping experience to consumers, recommending relevant products, tailored offers and messages suited to their interests and needs, improving their perception of the service and increasing conversion rates.

No data, no business

It is our motto, yes, but also a categorical truth. Data is the gold of the digital era. And while the marketplaces themselves manage them in their own interests, their customers, who are not the end consumers but the sellers who bring them commissions with each sale, must make their own particular use of them to impose themselves on the rest, increase their competitiveness indexes and increase their conversions.

In this sense, every retailer or manufacturer that distributes its products through one or more marketplaces should, at least, be able to:
  • From the list of their competitors, identify who won the famous Buy Box (Amazon) or its equivalent in any other marketplace, which facilitates the purchasing process for buyers.
Having this data under control, the seller and/or the brand will be able to optimize every part of its sales strategy, gaining in agility and efficiency.

There are many solutions on the market that can be of help to undertake all these actions. Choosing one or the other will depend on factors such as simplicity of use, specificity, agility of extraction, etc. At Data Seekers we prioritize, above any other quality, the robustness and reliability of the data.

DIP Insights, our 360º digital intelligence platform, is the definitive ally for players in the e-commerce world. From retailers to manufacturers, wholesalers to marketplaces. Its wide range of functionalities will allow them to have everything under control:
  • Pricing intelligence
  • Automated alerts
  • Catalog and distribution
  • Marketplace analyzer
  • Product search analyzer
  • Product Page Optimization
  • Competitor monitoring
  • Visibility Analyzer
  • Key Player Analyzer
  • Ratings and Reviews
Digital Shelf: essential if you sell online

Digital Shelf: essential if you sell online

Todo lo que debes saber sobre el Digital Shelf

Puedes tener los mejores productos, el proceso de compra online más sencillo, los anuncios de Facebook Ads más eficaces y más tráfico que cualquiera de tus competidores, pero si no optimizas tus páginas de productos para influir en las conversiones e impulsarlas, los carritos de la compra de los usuarios permanecerán vacíos.

A la hora de vender en línea, es importante tener un escaparate virtual, “Digital Shelf”, bien definido, organizado y planificado para atraer al máximo número de posibles compradores. Así, la forma en que se presentan los artículos pueden afectar la experiencia del cliente, la percepción de tu marca y, en última instancia, las ventas.

De esa manera, Digital Shelf no es ni más ni menos que la presentación de productos online en una plataforma, de manera similar a como se presentarían en una estantería física en una tienda. Se trata de una página donde se muestran los artículos de una marca o empresa, teniendo todos los datos detallados de los mismos: imágenes de producto, descripciones, características, precios. Además, el usuario tiene la posibilidad de filtrar por categorías o características específicas, ver reseñas y calificaciones de los productos… todo con el objetivo de completar la venta online.

¿Por qué es importante Digital Shelf para las ventas online?

Quien compra online, sabe la importancia de visitar páginas webs bien cuidadas, con diseños minimalistas y fáciles de navegar en ellas, encontrando la información deseada de un vistazo. De esa manera, el vendedor debe cuidar cada pequeño detalle, mostrando los artículos de la mejor manera posible y para ello el Digital Shelf será imprescindible.

Algunas ventajas de utilizarlo:
  • Mejor experiencia de usuario: al presentar los productos de manera clara y organizada en el Digital Shelf, se crea una experiencia de compra agradable y fácil para el cliente, pudiendo aumentar las posibilidades de que los clientes se sientan atraídos por los productos y realicen una compra.
  • Fácil comparación de productos: gracias al Digital Shelf, los usuarios pueden comparar fácilmente diferentes productos, lo que les permite tomar una decisión informada sobre qué productos es el adecuado.
  • Mayor personalización: con la ayuda de los filtros y las características de los productos, el comprador puede encontrar aquel que más desea y quiere adquirir.
A su vez, es importante dominar ciertos factores para ser la opción número 1 del consumidor:
  • Disponibilidad: si el producto no está disponible, difícilmente se podrá adquirir, y lo que es peor, quizás el usuario se anime a comprar su segunda opción, perdiendo así un posible cliente fiel.
  • Precio: en el mundo del e-commerce ya sabemos que la competencia es feroz, así será fundamental tener siempre el mejor precio frente a la competencia.
  • Contenido: ese escaparate del producto es toda la información que tendrá el cliente para convencerle a comprar, así el título, la descripción, las imágenes y vídeos deben estar actualizados. Si además contamos con una sección de reseñas, añadimos un plus para fomentar las ventas.
¿Pero cómo controlar cada Digital Shelf de los diferentes puntos de venta de tus productos?

Recuerda que cada punto de venta es tu mejor escaparate, así que debes cuidarlo como si fuera el tuyo propio. Asegura la mejor exposición de tus productos o de tu marca en los e-commerces donde tienes presencia a través de la optimización del Digital Shelf.

¿Tienes la certeza de que todos los distribuidores y plataformas online de tus productos, cuentan con un material apropiado y actualizado? Nombres y descripciones de producto, imágenes y vídeos, contenido enriquecido, valoración y reseñas... El único modo de conocer el posicionamiento real de tu producto en la mente del consumidor y de garantizar que todos tus puntos de venta y vendedores cumplan con tus estándares de calidad es controlando y optimizando tu Digital Shelf.

Gracias a nuestra herramienta 100% creada y optimizada in-house, DIP Insights, podemos obtener un sinfín de detalles de cómo están los diferentes Digital Shelf de los puntos de ventas de tus productos. Veamos en detalle todo lo que te ofrece nuestra plataforma digital.

Análisis de página de producto

Nuestro módulo de Digital Shelf dentro de la herramienta, te asegurará la mejor exposición, desglosando por marca, mercado, retailers, SKU:
  • Nombre y descripciones del producto
  • Número de imágenes y videos
  • Contenido enriquecido y stock disponible
  • Valoración y reseñas
¿Qué está haciendo la competencia en estas mismas métricas?
Disponer de un repositorio para almacenaje de galería de imágenes asociadas a cada marca y/o producto, te ayudará a su posterior validación de calidad.

Resultados por palabras claves

Calcula el Share de cada marca en el Top results a través de la recopilación de resultados basados en los keywords del cliente (identificando a la marca o no) cuando utiliza el motor de búsqueda interno de un retailer. Esto te permitirá detectar tu posición y actuar para mejorarla según tus objetivos.

Resultados por navegación en secciones

Recopilación y monitorización de los resultados de navegación basados en el despliegue de productos en las diferentes secciones de un site cuando se navega por categoría, de acuerdo a la estructura propia de cada site.

Resultados de posicionamiento por banners

Controla la visibilidad de banners o cualquier otro elemento promocional por mercado, sector, categoría, línea, etc. Empleamos la tecnología de Google Cloud Vision (OCR, reconocimiento óptico de caracteres) para convertir los banners publicitarios en texto fácil de analizar.

De esta manera, nuestra herramienta se convierte en un indispensable para tu negocio, para controlar cualquier aspecto de tus productos y para seguir cumpliendo con tu estrategia, tus objetivos y tus resultados. Sin importar el sector o la industria a la que pertenezcas, seas una marca, un retailer o un marketplace, DIP Insights es la plataforma de inteligencia digital definitiva para quienes se mueven en el mundo del e-commerce. Se caracteriza por su agilidad y adaptabilidad y su capacidad de extraer incluso la información que no se ve a simple vista. Mejora la calidad de tus páginas de producto: número de imágenes, descripción del producto, precio, disponibilidad, valoraciones y reseñas, etc… Asegura la mejor visibilidad a través del análisis de la publicidad de marca y los resultados de búsqueda de producto.

En un mundo tan competitivo como es el e-commerce, no dejes nada sin controlar y ten a punto tus diferentes puntos de ventas para asegurarte que tu producto se ofrece como debe ser en los diferentes Digital Shelf. Para ello, DIP Insights, nuestra plataforma 360º de inteligencia digital, te ayudará a analizar todo el catálogo, contenido y precios de cualquier marca, retailer o marketplace, ya sea B2B o B2C, con la optimización de la gestión y la consecución de resultados como principales objetivos. Sin límite de sites, mercados, usuarios, etc.
Google Shopping: Google's marketplace

Google Shopping: Google's marketplace

El marketplace del gigante tecnológico

Si vendes online, ya sabrás la importancia de estar presente en ciertas plataformas para conseguir la mayor visibilidad posible y, de esa manera, aumentar tus ventas directas.

Google, el famoso buscador de Internet, ofrece una herramienta gratuita para mostrar tus productos a potenciales clientes.

Tenemos la costumbre de poner el gps en el coche gracias a Google Maps, de guardar nuestros archivos en Google Drive, organizar nuestras citas en Google Calendar… pues bien, ahora, también, podemos buscar y comprar artículos en Google Shopping. Bienvenidos/as al marketplace de Google.

¿Qué es Google Shopping?

Google Shopping es un servicio de Google que permite a los usuarios buscar y comparar productos en línea. Se trata de una plataforma de compras online que funciona como un motor de búsqueda de productos, de esa manera, los usuarios pueden buscar productos y comparar precios y características de diferentes tiendas.

Mucho más que un simple marketplace, Google Shopping te permite explorar productos que los anunciantes y vendedores hayan elegido mostrar en este servicio del gigante tecnológico.

Los resultados de búsqueda en Google Shopping incluyen imágenes de los productos, descripciones, precios y la tienda online que los vende. Además, para facilitar la búsqueda de artículos, los usuarios pueden filtrar los resultados por categoría, precio, marca, tienda y otras opciones.

Podríamos decir que Google Shopping es primo hermano de Amazon, pero realmente el primero se centra en la comparación de precios poniendo el foco en los productos más competitivos.

Ventajas de estar en este marketplace
  • Mayor visibilidad: al buscar un artículo, aparece siempre la sección de Google Shopping, así si estás presente en ella, tu artículo ganará visibilidad a la hora de ser buscado.
  • Compras impulsivas: muchas veces el comprador busca un artículo concreto y puede estar más inclinado a hacer compras impulsivas. Un plus para aumentar las ventas.
  • Escaparate mundial y gratuito: se trata de un increíble comparador de precios para el cliente que busca adquirir un producto al mejor precio.
  • Datos de análisis: la herramienta proporciona datos e informes para optimizar la presencia en las búsquedas interesantes.
Promocionar los productos: campañas

Todo empieza por la ficha de producto en Google Shopping, cuidarla y diseñarla de manera eficiente hará que el producto en cuestión se muestre a los usuarios interesados por él.

La competencia es feroz y estar mejor posicionado será fundamental para aumentar las ventas. Por lo que es primordial promocionar los productos y aumentar el alcance, para ello, el anunciante deberá crear una campaña, además de crear un feed de productos, configurarlos, crear los anuncios (incluyendo imágenes de productos, precios, títulos y posibles ofertas y/o promociones) pujando por palabras clave relevantes y segmentando a su público objetivo, para ya, al fin y cabo, publicar los anuncios para que aparezcan en los resultados de búsqueda de Google.

Haciendo lo último de manera eficiente haremos que se muestre los productos justo a quien más lo desee.

Asegúrate de ser el más competitivo en Google Shopping

Una vez más, contar con una herramienta como DIP Insights, plataforma 360º de inteligencia digital con la que podrás analizar todo el catálogo, contenido y precios de cualquier marca, retailer o marketplace, ya sea B2B o B2C, será fundamental para posicionarte como la opción número 1 del comprador.

Nuestra plataforma digital te ayuda a:
  • Monitorizar a todos los vendedores que están en Google Shopping con el fin de detectar a los key players
  • Controlar toda la información de cualquier vendedor: evolución del número de productos en el tiempo, condiciones de envío, etc.
  • Entender las dinámicas de precios del mercado, como por ejemplo saber el precio medio del mercado en Google Shopping, el más bajo y quien lo ofrece, cuál es la diferencia de precio con respecto al tuyo, cuántos competidores hay y, sobre todo, cuántos están por debajo de tu precio.
De esa manera, con DIP Insights, agilizas cualquier gestión o cambio para ser más competitivo, optimizando tus márgenes y toma decisiones sobre las tendencias del mercado para que tu estrategia de ventas en Google Shopping sea la más eficiente para conseguir los resultados esperados.
Introduction to the world of marketplaces

Introduction to the world of marketplaces

Discover the basics of a marketplace

Being part of a marketplace means being on a digital platform where different vendors offering products from different sectors come together. Marketplaces act as intermediaries between a buyer and a digital seller, so sellers offer their products on a centralized platform, while buyers can compare different options and make purchases in one place.

In a marketplace, sellers can create their own online stores within the platform and list their products, while buyers can browse and compare different product options, read comments and reviews from other buyers, and conduct purchase transactions directly. on the platform.

They have become popular in recent years due to their convenience, wide selection of products, and the ability to compare prices and read reviews from other shoppers before making a purchase.

Amazon, #1

Today, there are several marketplaces, but Amazon is undoubtedly the giant of them, in fact the platform has 5.69 billion visits per month (source: webretailer ), being the most visited marketplace in the world. Being present in it is essential for the world of e-commerce , in fact, Amazon already acts like Google when it comes to searches. Thus, users search directly on the platform itself as if they were doing it in the Internet search engine. It is already evident that Amazon is the reference marketplace in the world of electronic commerce .

It has reached the top, fulfilling 3 well-defined pillars:
  • product assortment
  • Competitive price
  • consumer experience
1. Assortment of products

Amazon wants to have as many products as possible from all categories , that way, it will always satisfy the user's needs. It manages to have as many items as possible and, above all, from all sectors, making it essential when looking to buy any product.

2. Competitive price

On the other hand, Amazon sellers compete for the much-desired attention of buyers and price is a decisive factor in the purchase decision. For this reason, the competition on the platform is fierce.

Thus, Amazon rewards the most competitive of a group of sellers of the same product, giving them the option of appearing with the famous Buy Box , which is a plus for the seller, since it will be visible on the product page and makes it easier for buyers throughout the purchase process thanks to the "Add to cart" and "Buy now" button. The customer will acquire the product in the blink of an eye!

Taking into account that around 82% of the sales generated on Amazon occur within the Buy Box, that number increases in the mobile version, since the button is just below the photo (according to Statista data), it is not of no wonder it is so in demand.

3. Consumer experience

The consumer experience is essential for Amazon: delivery times, customer satisfaction, the exclusive Prime service... Everything is focused on customer satisfaction and subsequent loyalty. One of its strengths is its great success along with perseverance in innovation and operational efficiency.

How to understand Amazon dynamics

Due to all this, it is important as a company to monitor the prices, stock and promotions that your different distributors may apply. In addition to also controlling those sellers of your unauthorized products on the platform.

A price intelligence tool is about that and much more, which is very beneficial when you have a large number of products and/or sell on various platforms, automating the price adjustment process, which can save time and effort.

Doing it easily, quickly and efficiently is possible thanks to our DIP Insights tool. Regardless of the sector or industry to which you belong, DIP Insights is the definitive digital intelligence platform for those who move in the world of e-commerce .

With it you will be able to build a solid pricing strategy , always stay ahead of your competitors, create personalized offers, control your stock and those unauthorized sellers and, thus, maximize your profits . All at the click of a button.

With ever-increasing levels of competition on Amazon, the #1 choice of end-users, DIP Insights can make a world of difference for sellers and manufacturers. The latter, whether or not they sell directly through this marketplace. The former, taking advantage of the importance and cachet that the mere fact of selling through Amazon gives them. The latter, benefiting from the visibility that resellers give their products , identifying fake products or unauthorized sellers on the way.

DIP Insights offers full control over its own products, leaving nothing to chance.
Data Seekers returns as an exhibitor to E-SHOW Barcelona

Data Seekers returns as an exhibitor to E-SHOW Barcelona

Less than a week away from the celebration of E-SHOW Barcelona, the largest event in Europe for eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Martech, Big Data and AI, Data Seekers prepares a new appearance as an exhibitor at the fair, which will take place the next March 7 and 8, 2023, in Hall 1 of Fira Barcelona.

After the good results obtained in previous editions, Data Seekers, specialized in the development of technological business intelligence solutions, based on the extraction, monitoring and organization of data, with the aim of offering insights with which to favor the success in making of strategic decisions, will return to Barcelona next week as an exhibiting company for E-SHOW Barcelona.

A must event for eCommerce professionals, to which the Data Seekers team returns with the intention of presenting the latest news and released features from DIP Insights, its 360º digital intelligence platform, from which brands such as Puig, Brita, Lego, El Corte Inglés, Goldcar and Unicomer already benefit.

Aimed at manufacturers, retailers or marketplaces, regardless of the industry in which they operate and with no limit to sites, markets or users, the different DIP Insights modules are intended to guarantee the maximum degree of control in terms of prices, distribution and catalog, stock, assortment, product pages and search results (theirs and those of their competitors), through comparative analysis based on a detailed filter mechanism, the generation of parity reports and an advanced automated alert system.

Agile, adaptable, scalable and 100% in-house technology, with which to obtain a complete overview of the market in terms of pricing intelligence , catalog intelligence and digital shelf optimization, capable of reaching even information that is not accessible to the naked eye, and organized in customized dashboards with which to focus only on the really relevant data.

Franz Matheis and Ana Lara ( ), CEO and Business Development Manager of the company respectively, will travel to Barcelona, where they will be delighted to attend to all possible interested parties at Stand C15 in Hall 1 of Fira Barcelona .
Apply at Christmas what you learned on Black Friday

Apply at Christmas what you learned on Black Friday


With the worst of the Pandemic behind us, in 2022 we faced a new Black Friday with uncertainty and low expectations, despite the need to recover the sales lost over the last two years. The current context certainly did not bode well for the campaign: the war in Ukraine, inflation, the economic recession, the loss of purchasing power....

In this respect, the forecasts were not very encouraging, even if the purchase intention in our country was around 72% (only below that of Italy in Europe):

  • 80% of consumers worried about price rises
  • 75% of consumers fearful of a prolonged economic downturn
  • Consumption down by up to 18%
  • Average consumer spending in Spain estimated to be 13% lower than in 2021

We were therefore faced with a buyer profile determined to avoid unnecessary purchases, eager for discounts as never before, and even willing to give up their preferred brands in exchange for more attractive offers.

In addition to these data, there was another, also negative, but from which, paradoxically, a somewhat more optimistic conclusion could be drawn, since it signified the existence of ample room for improvement:

  • Only 32% of consumers were satisfied with Black Friday in 2021

Beyond the figure itself, it is the causes of this dissatisfaction that we had to learn from and work on:

  • Lack of stock
  • Slow loading of web pages
  • Poorly optimized purchasing processes
  • Poorly identified products
  • Delays in deliveries


We could go on and on about the different points of view provided by countless experts, but with the first results coming to light, we can see once again that reality is always capable of surpassing any forecast. The truth is that the Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2022 campaign has been very positive, even record-breaking in certain countries, such as the United States, where there has been a 2.3% increase in sales (9.12 billion dollars).

In Spain, the data has also been good and very revealing:

  • Almost 3 out of 4 Spanish consumers have made purchases during the Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend.
  • 20% increase in traffic / number of users (11% if we talk about the whole week)
  • 35% increase in average spending (slightly below the increase in other European countries such as Germany, UK, France or Italy).


In 2022 Black Friday and Cyber Monday have definitely established themselves as major sales peaks, but there is life after these popular dates. And although 95% of consumers have taken advantage of them to start buying their Christmas gifts, we have the opportunity to make the most of what is left of the Christmas campaign, which is not little, and we must do so by applying what we have learned during their commercial prequel.

Most wanted

According to the giant Shopify, beyond the segment, the BBB (Good, Nice, Cheap), loses strength. 76% of its consumers claim to be committed to quality and look for durable products that won't break. Likewise, 84% say they will compare before buying. And they will do so preferably via mobile (75% mobile vs. 27% desktop).

As for the most sought-after products, the popularity of products related to animal care and the increase in sales recorded by certain fashion websites is striking (Zara, for example, reported a 230% increase on Black Friday compared to the previous week). In any case, let's look at the detail by segment:

  • Toys (+285%)
  • Smart home (+271%)
  • Audio (+230%)
  • Electronics (+221%)
  • Exercise (+218%)

Where people shop the most

In absolute terms, Amazon remains the leader. On Black Friday, its number of users increased by 30% compared to the previous Friday. However, if we analyze in percentage terms, there are other retailers that have grown even more:

  • Carrefour (+40%)
  • MediaMarket (+70%)
  • PC Componentes (+60%)


The importance of being competitive

The market is an increasingly complicated environment, especially considering the delicate economic context in which we find ourselves. Consumers are clear about what they want and will search tirelessly until they get it. We have to be competitive, yes or yes. And to do so, we cannot afford to neglect our competitors, to not have visibility on the prices of our products on the different sites, to miss out on the advantages of our catalog or to suffer too much from its shortcomings. Relying on a tool that allows us to control both aspects, prices and catalog (our own and others') is essential.

Real-time monitoring of commercial peaks

Commercial peaks are here to stay and now comes another one, and a strong one. Every day, even every hour, changes occur and we cannot ignore them. Coinciding with these periods of high intensity, we must reinforce monitoring. Data Seekers' DIP Insights platform, with its Real Time Monitoring, allows you to track your prices and those of your competitors on an hourly basis, in addition to configuring the automated alert system to notify you of any relevant change or to establish business rules to nurture dynamic repricing. In this way, if a change is detected that matches the criteria of your business rule, prices will be automatically modified.

Keep an eye on marketplaces

Amazon, Ebay, Rakuten, Aliexpress, Walmart... We have already seen it. They are the lords and masters of the market and all the information they contain is worth its weight in gold. It is essential that we carry out an intensive tracking of their catalog, their prices, their product availability, their sellers... Not only will you be able to fine-tune your pricing strategy, but you will also identify gaps or competitive advantages in your catalog, locate unauthorized sellers and counterfeit products, etc.

Optimize your points of sale at all levels

When we say at all levels, we mean at all levels. On the one hand, we must ensure that retailers' websites are properly optimized in terms of load and user experience. Both in its desktop version and in its mobile version. It is striking to have to remember this, but if we look at the reasons that caused consumer dissatisfaction in 2021, it may not be so obvious.

Let's take care of the catalog and stock. Our solutions allow us to know the state of demand and, based on this data, to build our catalog and increase stock if necessary. We cannot afford to run out of a product that is in high demand. We guarantee consistency between points of sale. The same product cannot be displayed differently depending on the site. Digital Shelf control solutions, such as DIP Insights, help ensure that the names, descriptions, images and, in general, any material associated with a given product is consistent, regardless of where we are trying to purchase it. In addition, you will also be able to see the degree of prominence they enjoy, and their positioning in search results, within a given site.

Reviews provide us with extra data

Monitoring what consumers think about our product, both quantitatively (ratings) and qualitatively (reviews), is an efficient way to collect consumer data without having to resort to complex market research.


In short, we expected little from this Black Friday due to the current global situation, but, once again, the reality has exceeded all forecasts. As we have already mentioned, the Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2022 campaign has been very positive, breaking records in some countries. We still have a week left of the Christmas campaign and we must apply what we have learned:

  • Be competitive
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Track marketplaces
  • Maintain consistency between our points of sale
  • Monitoring through reviews

Looking ahead to 2023, a year that will pose many challenges, we must take these points into account, and Data Seekers, through our DIP Insights tool, will be happy to help you.
Data Seekers
Control every aspect of e-commerce

Download our whitepaper and discover how a company, which sells its fashion and beauty products in more than 150 countries around the world, has been able to take control of its distribution and promote the correct application of its pricing policy through of our price and catalog intelligence solutions.

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Success story: Seat Cormosa increases its sales relying on Cars Seekers

Success story: Seat Cormosa increases its sales relying on Cars Seekers

Seat Cormosa becomes a pioneer by being one of the first to choose to incorporate a price intelligence tool to increase control over its catalog of second-hand vehicles. Specifically, they have opted for Cars Seeker, a solution developed by Data Seekers, a leading company in multi-industry data extraction and monitoring, recently nominated as a finalist for Best Global Technology Provider for Rent a Car, at the World Travel tech Awards.

The ecosystem of the sale of second-hand vehicles, increasingly, tends to move almost exclusively in the online environment. It is also a field in which there are permanent price variations and constant changes in stock, which makes it very difficult to monitor the competition, including managing one's own catalogue.

That is why it is especially paradoxical, as José Rueda, Business Development Manager and head of Cars Seeker comments, that it is a sector in which the culture of price intelligence is not too internalized, and in which the implementation of tools such as this It is almost anecdotal. Circumstance that gives a clear competitive advantage to those companies that have made this qualitative leap. All in all, from his point of view, this situation is changing very quickly and it is a matter of (little) time for all dealers, official and multi-brand, to rely on technology to optimize their resources and boost their online sales.

Seat Cormosa is the official Seat dealer in the province of Malaga, and is a good example of how data can solve problems associated with the activity they carry out in their business area for the sale of second-hand vehicles, and have a direct impact on the income statement. In this sense, according to Ildefonso Díaz Molina, its Sales Manager, the arduous task of comparing the prices of the vehicles for sale in the different portals and web pages of the dealerships, until now was a practically manual process that robbed him of many hours of your precious time:

"I did not have a tool as such to do it and, although some comparator platforms did emerge, none were reliable, nor did they provide the degree of detail really necessary to understand the differences between some vehicles and others.
Ildefonso Díaz Molina, Head of Sales, Seat Cormosa

Cars Seeker, he continues, "carries out searches and comparisons in a more agile way, allows you to focus on specific details, such as a certain dealer, car or even an exact model, consult the different sales or price variations of the competition, and configure an alert system in charge of notifying you if there are alterations in the market that match previously established interests”.

José is also very happy with this collaboration and with the degree of satisfaction expressed by the dealer, aware of the possibilities and versatility that they can offer with Cars Seeker, and convinced that Seat Cormosa has set an important precedent that, without room for Doubtless, it will lead many others to follow in its footsteps: “now they can analyze all the competition in their area, in addition to detecting the models with the greatest sales potential, which are also the most prone to modifications and price changes. It is information of great value, and its competitors will soon realize the nonsense of not relying on a tool like ours”.

Thanks to Cars Seeker, concludes Ildefonso, "I have notably increased sales, since, from the first moment, I know the price changes that are made in any dealership, I can anticipate any modification that occurs in the market, have access to the sales that occur from each model and, ultimately, to know if I am properly positioned for a specific model”.

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Just in case you see it very black, here is a free guide

Just in case you see it very black, here is a free guide

More than ever, price intelligence

We leave you with some recommendations to make Black Friday 2021 profitable without dying trying.

Be careful, Amazon is bringing the starting signal forward... Our motto on this important date for e-commerce is "More than ever, price intelligence." And information is power. It is the data that allows you to act in time, that leads you to be right when it comes time to decide. Without data, you are lost, you wander aimlessly. With Data Seekers you have them all, already tailored.

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Data Seekers nominated for Best Technology Provider for Rent a Cars at the World Travel Tech Awards

Data Seekers nominated for Best Technology Provider for Rent a Cars at the World Travel Tech Awards

Great news for Data Seekers

With the help of Price Seeker , the name with which we baptized our pricing intelligence tool, we now aspire to the “Best Technology Provider in the World for Rent a Cars 2021” award in the 1st Edition of the World Travel Tech Awards.

The origin of Data Seekers dates back to 2015. In the words of Franz Matheis, our CEO and CTO, “the company emerged as a technological spin off of Paraty Tech , with a double objective: to market our revenue management solutions among hotels and hotel chains. that already had a booking engine, and diversify the markets in which we operated, adapting our technology to any field of application.”

At that time, Price Seeker had become one of the reference rate shoppers for the hotel sector, from whose benefits renowned chains benefited. However, “more and more people were offering similar products,” continues Franz, “so we saw the need to diversify, and we were able to identify, at the right time, an opportunity in the world of rent a cars, characterized by the markedly changing nature of their pricing strategies, and in which around 80% of sales occur online.”

Only 6 years later, Price Seeker has entered more than 100 companies, distributed throughout 35 countries, positioning itself as a world leader in the vehicle rental sector. Its reliability and agility have led brands such as Goldcar, Hertz, Europcar, Sixt, Centauro, Avis, Enterprise, Leasys or Auto Europe to opt for this tool, which "allows them to monitor and modify their rates dynamically in more than 500 points." of sales, including OTAs, metasearch engines and the direct channel of its competitors, and that is capable of fluidly managing the more than 100 million monthly searches generated by our clients," says Álvaro Pastor, Business Development Manager at Data Seekers, who also He tells us how “I myself was able to witness its potential as a user-owner of a rent a car, and from the first moment I was convinced that the sector would receive it with open arms… the key was being extraordinarily quick when launching to market.”

Backed by our successful track record in the tourism sector, we do not stop exploring new areas of application of our web scraping technology , undoubtedly one of the most reliable in the world, which retailers and marketplaces from sectors as varied as fashion, cosmetics, electronics, food or ticket sales: “we have already developed the technology, which was the most complex, now we focus a good part of our efforts on improving it, optimizing it and adapting it to the particular needs of each customer, brand or segment, while we continue to expand functionalities,” says Franz Matheis.

According to Daniel Romero, Communication Director of the Paraty World group, “the decision to submit for this award mainly responds to our interest in gaining recognition, visibility and notoriety,” and he concludes: “the nomination is a good first step, but we want Let every decision maker be aware that, if we have been able to get as far as we have in the tourism sector, we are more than prepared to do the same in their field, tailoring a suit tailored to their interests, and winning this award would, without a doubt, send that message loud and clear.

In this sense, we encourage all of you to support our candidacy with your vote. In one way or another, you are followers of the group and helping us with this is also helping us improve for you:
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